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"One snail pizza coming right up!"

When you think of French cuisine, what immediately comes to mind? Croissants? Baguette? Cheese? Perhaps fondue or boeuf bourguignon? How about… pizza? Right about now, you may be thinking that I’ve gone off the deep end, but stick with me. One of my favorite things to do when traveling is to try food that we tend to think of as an unchangeable constant. For example, “Chinese” food in France is like nothing I’ve ever tried in a Chinese restaurant back home. The same could be said for “Indian” take away in Scotland, which kind of makes you wonder, “What do they actually eat in China/India?”

Smoked salmon + scallops + red wine = winning!

In our local pizzeria, you won’t find any Hawaiian Bacon and Pineapple or Pepperoni. You can, of course, get basic options such as Margarita, but get a load of some of the other pizzas, keeping in mind that this is an everyday pizza joint in the countryside, not some fancy specialty pizzeria!

Let’s start off easy with the 4 Cheese: Mozzarella, goat cheese, Swiss, and blue cheese.

Or the Croque Madame: béchamel, Swiss, ham, and an EGG over easy.

Nico really like the Gourmet: tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms, GIZZARDS, DUCK, blue cheese, olives, and oregano.

The more adventurous go for the Luma pizza: tomatoes, mozzarella, mushrooms, SNAILS, garlic, parsley, olives, and oregano.

My favorite is the Norwegian: cream, mozzarella, smoked SALMON, SCALLOPS, lemon, olives, and dill.

And that is why if you were to ask me about my favorite foods in France, pizza would be right up there with tartiflette and steamed mussels. One snail pizza coming right up!

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